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模拟集成电路基础与版图设计 (本科生)

人工智能原理及其应用 (研究生)

数模混合集成电路设计 (研究生)

微电子系统设计及方法 (博士生)

智能通讯理论与模型 (博士生)




中国计算机学会 杰出会员(2020)

工业和信息化部安全生产专家组成员 (2012)

厦门电子学会理事长 (2012)

福建省信息产业专家委员会委员 (2010)

IEEE 高级会员 (2009)


1.  2020年“视觉神经网络光电集成系统及其关键技术产业化应用”获厦门市科学技术进步奖一等奖

2.  2019年“神经网络加密解密算法及网络信息安全技术”获厦门市科学技术进步奖二等奖


1.  数字化视频/毫米波集成电路共性技术,科技部-国家重点研发计划(批准号:2019YFB2204600),主持


2.  装备深嵌入智能计算终端技术,中央军委装备发展部(批准号:31511020303),主持


3.  基于神经网络自学习的嵌入式视觉感知技术及其芯片设计研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(批准号:61836010),主持


4.  可重构多核处理器设计方法及其关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(批准号:61274133),主持


5.  实时嵌入式系统的不确定性分析与测试方法研究,国家自然科学基金专项基金项目(批准号:60940029),主持


6.  视觉神经网络光电集成系统的研究,国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(批准号:69686004),主持


7.  混沌神经网络加密算法及其集成电路的设计研究,国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(批准号:60076015),主持


8.  高速ATM交换开关智能控制器的专用集成设计研究,国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(批准号:69886002),主持





[1]   Mohanbabu Bharathi, Babu Balraj, Chandrasekar Sivakumar, Zhiwei Wang, Jianwei Shuai, Mon-Shu Ho and Donghui Guo*, Effect of Ag doping on bipolar switching operation in molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) nanostructures for non-volatile memory, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021.

[2]   Kalaivani Mohanbabu Bharathi, Mohanbabu Kannan, G. Senguttuvan, V. Sivakumar and Donghui Guo*, Influence of current density on the physical properties of electroplated NiFeP nano thin films for MEMS applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32(10), pp.1-9, 2021.

[3]   Senthil Kumar, J. H. Chang, Mon-Shu Ho, Babu Balraj, Chandrasekar Sivakumar, Mohanbabu Bharathi*, Gowtham Murugesan and Donghui Guo, Mohan Raj, Impact of Zn 2+ Doping on the Structural, Morphological and Photodiode Properties of V 2 O 5 Nanorods, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 31(3), pp.1066-1078, 2021.

[4]   Zenan Huang, Xiao Zhang, Jiebin Su, Zhixin Zhou, Hongyin Luo and Donghui Guo*, Reconfigurable TPM Implemented with Ultralow-Power Management in 28nm CMOS Process for IoT SoC Design, Journal of Hardware and Systems Security, 5(1), pp.32-44, 2021.

[5]   Chenhui Zhao, Zenan Huang and Donghui Guo*, Spiking neural network dynamic system modeling for computation of quantum annealing and its convergence analysis, Quantum Information Processing, 20(2), 2021.




[6]   Jianwei Zheng, Chao Lu, Cong Hao, Deming Chen and Donghui Guo*, Improving the Generalization Ability of Deep Neural Networks for Cross-Domain Visual Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2020.

[7]   Yangbing Wu, Rujie Zhao, Chao Lu and Donghui Guo*, Modeling of single-electron tunneling networks for supersensitive sensors at room temperature, Journal of Computational Electronics, Vol.19(1), pp.222-233, 2020.

[8]   Chenhui Zhao and Donghui Guo*, Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Self-Organizing Mapping for Nash Equilibrium Strategy in Application of Multiobjective Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, pp.1-15, 2020.

[9]   Chenhui Zhao and Donghui Guo*, Global Exponential Stability of Hybrid Non-autonomous Neural Networks with Markovian Switching. Neural Processing Letters, 52, pp.525-543, 2020.

[10]         Shanghao Li, Shan He, Lin Li and Donghui Guo*, IP Trading System with Blockchain on Web-EDA, 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID), pp.164-168, 2020.

[11]         Yang You, Niansheng Liu, Xiangmin Zhou, Jianwei Zheng and Donghui Guo*, Visual Illusion Induced by Uncertain Environment in Neural Dynamics Cognitive System, 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID), pp.134-137, 2020.

[12]         Lingling Liu, Lin Li, Song Li, Jinzhun Wu and Donghui Guo*, An End-to-end System Based on TDNN for Lung Sound Classification, 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID), pp.20-24, 2020.

[13]         Zhiwei Wang, Chenxi Liu, Yabin Deng, Zenan Huang, Shan He and Donghui Guo*, Carbon-based Spiking Neural Network Implemented with Single-Electron Transistor and Memristor for Visual Perception, 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID), pp.143-146, 2020.

[14]         Xiao Zhang, Zenan Huang, Honyin Luo, Zhixin Zhou, Zhong Ma, Shen Li and Donghui Guo*, In-Memory Computing with TCAM for Packet Identification in the Buffer of Routing Switches, 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID), pp.205-208, 2020.

[15]         Yanping Qiao, Wenrun Xiao, Lin Li, Zhiyuan Shi and Donghui Guo*, Synchronous Control of Cuk DC Converter via Pulse Soliton, 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID), pp.112-115, 2020.

[16]         Mohanbabu Bharathi, Zhiwei Wang, Bingrui Guo, Babu Balraj, Qiuhong Li, Jianwei Shuai and Donghui Guo*, Memristors: Understanding, utilization and upgradation for neuromorphic computing, Nano,Vol.15(11), pp.2030005, 2020.




[17]         Jianwei Zheng, Chao Lu, Jiefeng Guo, Deming Chen and Donghui Guo*, A Hardware-Efficient Block Matching Algorithm and Its Hardware Design for Variable Block Size Motion Estimation in Ultra-High-Definition Video Encoding, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, Vol.24(2), 2019.

[18]         Dung Nguyen Quoc, Lvqing Bi, Yangbing Wu, Shan He, Lin Li and Donghui Guo*, Energy efficiency clustering based on Gaussian network for wireless sensor network, IET Communications, Vol.13(6), 2019.

[19]         Zenan Huang, Hongyin Luo and Donghui Guo*, Application of Locally Connected Spiking Neural Network in Image Processing, 2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID), pp.108-111, 2019.

[20]         Chenhui Zhao, Shan He, Lin Li and Donghui Guo*, Convergence Stability of Spiking Neural Networks with Stochastic Fluctuations, 2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID), pp.163-167, 2019




[21]         Jiebin Su, Shan He, Zhaoqing Yang, Hongyin Luo, Zhixin Zhou and Donghui Guo*, Low Power Design of Embedded SOC for TPM with Standard Library of 28 nm CMOS, 2018 IEEE 12th International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID), pp.221-225, 2018.

[22]         Fengyi Shang, Zheng Li, Lin Li and Donghui Guo*, Modeling of Airflow-Based Lung Sound for Characterization of Bronchi, 2018 12th IEEE International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID), pp. 245-249, 2018.

[23]         Sizhao Li, Yuanzhi Zhang, Hongyin Luo, Yan Chen, Chao Lu and Donghui Guo*, Race-Condition-Aware and Hardware-Oriented Task Partitioning and Scheduling Using Entropy Maximization, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol.29(7), pp. 1589-1604, 2018.

[24]         Songsong Dai, Linmei Jiang, Shan He and Donghui Guo*, An energy efficient authentication scheme for wireless body area networks based on the bilinear pairings, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, Vol.11(4), pp.232-241, 2018.

[25]         Songsong Dai, Sizhao Li, Yangbing Wu and Donghui Guo*, Cryptographic Security of Individual Instances for Conference Key Distribution, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, Vol.17, pp.111-119, 2018.




[26]         Linmei Jiang and Donghui Guo*, Dynamic Encrypted Data Sharing Scheme Based on Conditional Proxy Broadcast Re-Encryption for Cloud Storage, IEEE Access, Vol.5, pp.13336-13345, 2017.

[27]         Sizhao Li and Donghui Guo*, Cache Coherence Scheme for HCS-Based CMP and Its System Reliability Analysis, IEEE Access, Vol.5, pp.7205-7215, 2017.

[28]         Shun Guo, Donghui Guo*, Lifei Chen and Qingshan Jiang, A L1-regularized feature selection method for local dimension reduction on microarray data, Computational Biology and Chemistry, Vol.67(4), pp.92-101, 2017.

[29]         Benbin Chen, Chung-Ta King, Xiaochao Li and Donghui Guo*, A high quality compiler tool for application-specific instruction-set processors with library and parallel supports, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol.76(4), pp.5905–5926, 2017.




[30]         Yangbing Wu, Jianfeng Zhao, Deming Chen and Donghui Guo*, Modeling of Gaussian Network-Based Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip Designs, IEEE Transaction on Computer, Vol.65(7), pp.2134-2142, 2016.

[31]         Shun Guo, Qingshan Jiang, Lifei Chen and Donghui Guo*, Gene regulatory network inference using PLS-based methods, BMC Bioinformatics, Vol.17, pp.545-554, 2016.

[32]         Yao Chen, Swathi T. Gurumani, Yun Liang, Guofeng Li, Donghui Guo*, Kyle Rupnow and Deming Chen, FCUDA-NoC: A Scalable and Efficient Network-on-Chip Implementation for the CUDA-to-FPGA Flow, IEEE Transactions onVery Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol.24(6), pp.2220-2233, 2016.

[33]         Xiaochao Li, Liangxi Zhou, Yihui Chen, Ying Zhang, Chunhui Cao and Donghui Guo*, A curvature-compensated CMOS bandgap with negative feedback technique, Microelectronics Journal, Vol.52, pp.104-110, 2016.

[34]         Linmei Jiang, Xiaochao Li and Donghui Guo*, Mutual password authentication with key agreement and user anonymity for cloud storage, Journal of Computers (Taiwan), Vol.27(1), pp.12-25, 2016.

[35]         Jiefeng Guo, ZhixinYang, Jianwei Zheng and Donghui Guo*, Enhanced pipelined architecture of H.264/AVC intra prediction, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol.41, pp.72-84, 2016.

[36]         Shun Guo, Donghui Guo*, Lifei Chen and Qingshan Jiang, A centroid-based gene selection method for microarray data classification, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.400(7), pp.32-41, 2016.

[37]         Jianwei Zheng, Chunhang Xu and Donghui Guo*, A Programmable CNN Architecture and Its Hardware-Software Co-design Approach for Image Processing and Stimulating Visual Illusions, Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security-Companion (QRS-C 2016), pp.389-394, 2016.

[38]         Yangbing Wu, Jianfeng Zhao, Deming Chen and Donghui Guo*, Modeling of graphene-based sensor for super sensitivity application in bio-molecular detection, 10th IEEE International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID), pp.135-138, 2016.




[39]         Yangbing Wu, Jianfeng Zhao, Deming Chen and Donghui Guo*, Reconfigurable Modeling for Networks On Chip with the Gaussian Networks, To be published in IEEE Transaction on Computer, 2015.

[40]         Jianwei Zheng and Donghui Guo*, A Bio-inspired Approach for On-Road Vehicle Detection based on Cortex-Like Mechanisms, To be presented at the 2015 Design Automation Conference, San Francisco, June 2015.

[41]         Niansheng Liu, Huajian Li, Huaiyu Dai, Donghui Guo* and Deming Chen, Robust Blind Image Watermarking Based on Chaotic Mixtures, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol.80, pp.1329–1355, 2015.

[42]         Songsong Dai and Donghui Guo*, Comparing Security Notions of Secret Sharing Schemes, Entropy, Vol.17 (3), pp.1135-1145, 2015.




[43]         Hongyin Luo, Shaojun Wei, Deming Chen and Donghui Guo*, Hybrid circuit-switched network for on-chip communication in large-scale chip-multiprocessors, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol.74(9), pp.2818-2830, 2014.

[44]         Benbin Chen, Huaching Chen and Donghui Guo*, Adaptive Wireless Networks QoS Evaluation Analysis Through Enhanced Parameters Tuning Algorithms, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol.13, pp.217-228, 2014.

[45]         Yunfeng Wang, Xing Zheng, Jing Wang and Donghui Guo*, A hybrid encryption scheme for RFID system, WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, Vol.61, pp.355-362, 2014.

[46]         Benbin Chen and Donghui Guo*, SIP Protocol with Group Management Model and Security, Journal of Computer (Taiwan), Vol.25(2), pp.21-32, 2014

[47]         Xiaochao Li, Zhixin Zhou, Jun Ye and Donghui Guo*, Design of rail-to-rail constant gm amplifier using 0.18 μm CMOS process, Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban), Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), Vol.42(4), pp.55-59, 2014. (In Chinese)

[48]         Sizhao Li, Shan Lin, Deming Chen, W. Eric Wong and Donghui Guo*, Analysis of System Reliability for Cache Coherence Scheme in Multi-Processor, Proc. of IEEE 8th International Conference of Software Security and Reliability-Companion (SERE-C 2014), pp.247-251, 2014.

[49]         Niansheng Liu, Huaiyu Dai and Donghui Guo*, Security Analysis of MAC Protocol for Mobile Device Identification Based on PARADIS, Proc. of IEEE 8th International Conference of Software Security and Reliability-Companion (SERE-C 2014), pp.237-242, 2014.

[50]         Benbin Chen, Lin Li, Yiyang Li, Hongyin Luo and Donghui Guo*, Compiler Assisted Instruction Relocation for Performance Improvement of Cache Hit Rate and System Reliability, Proc. of IEEE 8th International Conference of Software Security and Reliability-Companion (SERE-C 2014), pp.243-246, 2014.

[51]         Long Zheng, Yangbing Wu, Dan Zhang, Liwei Lin and Donghui Guo*, Multiphysics Modeling and Characterization of MicroCVD Chip for Growing Carbon Nanomaterials, Proc. of IEEE 8th International Conference of Software Security and Reliability-Companion (SERE-C 2014), pp.252-256, 2014.

[52]         Hua-Ching Chen, Hsuan-Ming Feng, Benbin Chen and Donghui Guo*, A Parameters Tuning Algorithms in Wireless Networks, Proc. of IEEE 8th International Conference of Software Security and Reliability-Companion (SERE-C 2014), pp.257-260, 2014.

[53]         Yangbing Wu and Donghui Guo*, Modeling of Graphene Nanoribbon FET and Analysis of Its Electrical Properties, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), 2014.

[54]         Benbin Chen and Donghui Guo*, A Static Scheduling Scheme of Multicore Compiler for Loop Load Imbalance in OpenMP, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), 2014.

[55]         Jiefeng Guo, Guozhong Chen, Jianwei Zheng and Donghui Guo*, Gradient Based Fast CU Splitting and Mode Decision Algorithm for HEVC Intra Prediction, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), 2014.




[56]         Songsong Dai, Daowu Pei and Donghui Guo*, Robustness analysis of full implication inference method, Int. J. Approx. Reasoning, Vol.54(5), pp.653-666, 2013.

[57]         Hongyin Luo, Shaojun Wei and Donghui Guo*, RROCN: An on-chip network with regular reconfigurable topology for chip-multiprocessors, Journal of Computers (Taiwan), Vol.24(1), pp.36-46, 2013.

[58]         Hua-Ching Chen, Hsuan-Ming Feng and Donghui Guo*, Novel MPEG-4 video cross-layer algorithm in wireless networks, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol.8(2), pp.171-179, 2013.

[59]         Hongwei Wu, Donghui Guo*, Jinfa Zhuang and Guangbin Zhang, Regular expression matching technology based multi-GPU, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), Vol.41(1), pp.51-55, 2013.

[60]         Hua-Ching Chen, Xiao-Chao Li and Donghui Guo*, VoWLAN simulations through novel playout buffer algorithm, Journal of Computers (Taiwan), Vol.24(1), pp.23-35, 2013.

[61]         Shian-Ming Joug, Hsuan-Ming Feng and Donghui Guo*, Self-tuning RBFNs mobile robot systems through bacterial foraging particle swarm optimization learning algorithm, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.284-287, pp.2128-2136, 2013.

[62]         Jia-Yong Chen, Wei-Ming Zhang, Tao Han, Yue-Fei Zhu and Donghui Guo*, An Efficient Adaptive Image Steganographic Method for ± k Embedding, Acta Automatica Sinica, Vol.10, pp.1594-1601, 2013.

[63]         Lingfeng Jiang, You Zhou, Dan Zhang, Shan He, Xiaochao Li and Donghui Guo*, Side-poly technique for enhanced breakdown voltage of Trench-NPT-IGBT, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.1-4, 2013.

[64]         Linmei Jiang, Xiaochao Li, L.L. Cheng and Donghui Guo*, Identity authentication scheme of cloud storage for user anonymity via USB token, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.1-6, 2013.

[65]         Sizhao Li, Hongyin Luo, Xiaochao Li, W.E.Wong and Donghui Guo*, Analysis of software specifications based on statistics of Markov chain, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.1-5, 2013.




[66]         Niansheng Liu, Donghui Guo* and Parr Gerard, Complexity of chaotic binary sequence and precision of its numerical simulation, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol.67(1), pp.549-556, 2012.

[67]         Hua-Ching Chen, Hsuan-Ming Feng, Donghui Guo* and Xiao-chao Li, Wireless networks evaluations model through adaptive traffic flow regulation algorithm, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, Vol.4(23), pp.711-720, 2012.

[68]         Guogang Li, Donghui Guo* and Ruimin Huang, A fast stream cipher algorithm from one-way function of neural network, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, Vol.4(20), pp.651-658, 2012.

[69]         Hua-Ching Chen, Hsuan-Ming Feng, Ming-Hui Ho and Donghui Guo*, Solutions to vehicle routing problem with time window based on hybrid adaptive PSO algorithm, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, Vol.4(14), pp. 434-446, 2012.

[70]         Tao Yang, Suntao Wu and Donghui Guo*, Dynamic Range Enhance of Visual Sensor Circuits and Application for Multi-object Motion Detection, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA), pp.151-154, 2012.

[71]         Hongyin Luo, Shaojun Wei, Deming Chen and Donghui Guo*, Hybrid circuit-switched NOC for low cost on-chip communication, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.1 – 5, 2012.

[72]         Nian-sheng Liu and Donghui Guo*, Robust digital watermarking based on chaotic maps, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.1–5, 2012.

[73]         Hua-Ching Chen, Donghui Guo*, Hsuan-Ming Feng and Ji-Hwei Horng, Wireless networks designs through advanced regulation machine, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.1–5, 2012.




[74]         Xiaofeng Xu, Vidroha Debroy, W. Eric Wong and Donghui Guo*, Ties within fault localization rankings: Exposing and addressing the problem, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol.21(6), pp.803-827, 2011.

[75]         Xiaoying Dong, Hsingyi Chen and Donghui Guo*, Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Attenuation in Sand and Dust Storms, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.10, pp.469-471, 2011.

[76]         Dan Zhang, Daming Zhang, Xu Liang, Fei Wang and Donghui Guo*, A study of erbium-ytterbium-co doped polymer waveguide amplifier, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.53(9), pp.2157-2160, 2011.

[77]         Xueqin Zheng and Donghui Guo*, A novel ride-through control strategy of DFIG wind generator under grid voltage dip, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol.8(3), pp.579-591, 2011.

[78]         Hua-Ching Chen, Donghui Guo* and Hsuan-Ming Feng, Fuzzy embedded mobile robot systems design through the evolutionary PSO learning algorithm, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Vol.10(8), pp.259-269, 2011.

[79]         De-Guang Le, Yong Jin, Donghui Guo* and Jin-Yi Chang, Frame importance valuation cognition based error control mechanism on cognitive networks, Tongxin Xuebao/Journal on Communications, Vol.32, No.11, pp.11-20, 2011. (In Chinese)

[80]         Xiao-Peng Lin and Donghui Guo*, Resources allocation in the gird based on repeated game, Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University, Vol.32(1), pp.220-223, 2011. (In Chinese)

[81]         Guo-Gang Li and Donghui Guo*, One-way property proof in public key cryptography based on OHNN, Procedia Engineering, Vol.15, pp.1812-1816, 2011. (2011 International Conference on Advanced in Control Engineering and Information Science, CEIS 2011)

[82]         Hua-Ching Chen, Hsuan-Ming Feng and Donghui Guo*, Evolutionary learning mobile robot fuzzy systems design, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol.98(2), pp.29-36, 2011. (Electrical Engineering and Control - Selected Papers from the 2011 International Conference on Electric and Electronics, EEIC 2011)

[83]         Hsuan-Ming Feng, Hua-Ching Cheng and Donghui Guo*, PSO-based fuzzy image mobile robot systems design, Proceedings: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.101-105, 2011.

[84]         Hongyin Luo, Shaojun Wei and Donghui Guo*, The dynamic relocation cache and its energy consumption model for low power processor, Proceedings: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.123-126, 2011.




[85]         Nian-sheng Liu and Donghui Guo*, Annotations for symmetric probabilistic encryption algorithm based on chaotic attractors of neural networks, Optoelectronics Letters, Vol.69(1), pp.57-60, 2010.

[86]         Wei Chen, Yan Chen and Donghui Guo*, Design and implementation of monitoring and management system for tank truck transportation, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol.7(1), pp.26-35, 2010.

[87]         Shou-Jue Wang, Hua Sun, Pei-Zhong Liu, Ying-Hao Liao, Xing-Hao Ding and Donghui Guo*, An image retrieval algorithm based on biomimetic imaginal thinking, Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica, Vol.38(5), pp.993-997, 2010. (In Chinese)

[88]         Quan Xiao, Xing-Hao Ding, Shou-Jue Wang, Ying-Hao Liao and Donghui Guo*, A novel detail-preserving algorithm for removing salt-and-pepper noise, Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica, Vol.38(10), pp.2273-2278, 2010. (In Chinese)

[89]         Yan Chen, Xiaofeng Xu, Xiaochao Li and Donghui Guo*, Race condition and its analysis approach of real-time embedded systems, Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development, Vol.47(7), pp.1201-1210, 2010. (In Chinese)

[90]         Quan, Xiao, Xinghao Ding, Shoujue Wang, Yinghao Liao and Donghui Guo*, A halo-free and hue preserving algorithm for color image enhancement, Jisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao/Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Vol.22(8), pp.1246-1252, 2010. (In Chinese)

[91]         Xueqin Zheng and Donghui Guo*, Study on the connection of DFIG to grid based on double-vector PWM, Proceedings - International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering (ICECE 2010), pp.2139-2143, 2010.

[92]         Xiaofeng Xu, Vidroha Debroy, W. Eric Wong and Donghui Guo*, An evaluation of tie-breaking strategies for fault localization techniques, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2010), pp.123-128, 2010.

[93]         Xiaochao Li, Xiaofan Lin and Donghui Guo*, The experimental blind timing acquisition scheme for FM-DCSK communication system, Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification, 2010 ASID, pp.120-125, 2010.

[94]         Yi Wang, Mingkun Gao and Donghui Guo*, Design of 16-bits Constant-Current LED Driver, Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification, (ASID), pp.53-56, 2010.

[95]         Tao Yang, Mingkun Gao, Suntao Wu and Donghui Guo*, A new reuse method of analog circuit design for CMOS technology migration, Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.112-115, 2010.

[96]         Kezhi Lin, Tao Yang, Lin Li and Donghui Guo*, A new algorithm of dynamic display for the large LED screen of multi-scanning-beam, Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.142-145, 2010.

[97]         Xiaopeng Lin, Yiyang Li, Huaiyu Dai and Donghui Guo*, Architecture of Web-EDA system based on Cloud computing and application for project management of IC design, Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.150-153, 2010.

[98]         Benbin Chen, Wenchao Zhou, Yiyang Li and Donghui Guo*, Innovative application of SIP protocol for communication platform, Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.323-326, 2010.

[99]         Zufeng Weng, Lin Li and Donghui Guo*, Speaker recognition using weighted dynamic MFCC based on GMM, Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.285-288, 2010.

[100]      Hongyin Luo, Lin Li and Donghui Guo*, Non-conflict RR scheduling algorithm and its hardware implementation for crossbar switch, Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification (ASID), pp.306-309, 2010.




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5.  郭东辉,王安徽.一种基于蓝牙通信接入的物联网身份认证方法.发明专利ZL201510226295.9, 授权日期:2017.12.1

6.  郭东辉,姜林美.一种适用于IC卡及二维码的数据安全存储方法.发明专利ZL201410804342.9, 授权日期:2017.5.24

7.  李晓潮,曹春辉,吴孔程,李鹏涛,李琳,郭东辉.基于FPGALUKS认证芯片电路及其密码恢复方法.发明专利ZL201610329181 .1, 授权日期:2016.10.12

8.  李晓潮,林昱,林春,郭东辉.一种基于负反馈的CMOS带隙基准电路.发明专利ZL201210564336.1,授权日期:2015.9.23

9.  郭东辉,王韦华.一种可集成的光模块发送光眼图的自动调试电路.发明专利ZL201510288932.5, 授权日期:2015.2.1

10. 郭东辉,王晨,陈国忠.四色LED显示屏子像素重组方法.发明专利ZL201310058158.X, 授权日期:2015.4.1

11. 郭东辉,李扶苏.一种无晶振时钟电路.发明专利ZL201210036260.5, 授权日期:2014.10.8

12. 郭东辉,林昱,李晓潮.一种宽带射频开关CMOS电路.发明专利ZL201210362923.2, 授权日期:2014.10.8

13. 郭东辉,李国刚,刘年生.一种基于神经网络混沌吸引子的公钥密码加密和解密方法.发明专利ZL201010533483.3, 授权日期:2013.10.9

14. 李晓潮,林肖凡,郭东辉.一种用于差分混沌调制通信系统的盲估计位同步实现方法.发明专利ZL201010142314.7, 授权日期:2012.10.31

15. 郭东辉,董晓盈.一种基于相关取样的微波测距装置.发明专利ZL200910112252.2, 授权日期:2011.8.10

